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Frequently Asked Questions


General Information

What is CyberVerse?
CyberVerse is a web3 browser game, with MMORPG elements, developed by a small indie team. It was launched on the Ergo blockchain in 2023 and expanded to Cardano and Ronin in 2024. Players can play and compete against each other in various mini games, earn CYPX, a token on the blockchain, and buy, sell, trade and collect NFTs of several collections. With the so-called survival mode (PVE, player vs. environement, battle system), a big gameplay extension to the game is coming in 2025.
Where can I play this game?
CyberVerse is a Web3 browser game. To start the game, visit playcyberverse.com. Check out the Beginner's Guide for useful information.
Is the game still in beta or alpha?
Yes, kind of. The game is updated continously and the developers work closely together with the community to improve the game experience, the game economy and other aspects of the game. Players are encouraged to report bugs and and share ideas they have.
Can I play on my cellphone?
Currently, CyberVerse can only be played on desktop or laptop devices in your web browser of choice. Mobile devices like smartphones and tablets are not supported yet.
Where to buy NFTs?
You can purchase CyberVerse NFTs on the following platforms. Ergo blockchain: Skyharbor and MewMart. Cardano blockchain: jpg.store. On Ronin you can't purchase NFTs for now. A GEN4 mint will come soon.
Check out the "Database" tab in the navigation to see all NFTs, and use the "show on sale" toggle to see which NFTs are available right now.
What is CYPX, and where can I buy it?
CYPX (CyberPixels) is the in-game currency of CyberVerse and a token on the Ergo blockchain. You can currently purchase it on ErgoDEX and MewDEX.
What is ERG, and where can I buy it?
ERG is the native coin of the Ergo blockchain, which was the first blockchain where CyberVerse became playable. Visit ergohub.xyz for a list of platforms where you can purchase ERG.
What is ADA, and where can I buy it?
ADA is the native coin of the Cardano blockchain, the second blockchain on which CyberVerse became playable. ADA is widely available and can be purchased on most cryptocurrency exchanges.
What is RON, and where can I buy it?
RON is the native coin of the Ronin blockchain, which is built on Ethereum and was the third blockchain where CyberVerse became playable. You can purchase RON on most cryptocurrency exchanges.
Does CyberVerse have any (community) events?
Yes, the developer team of the game and also the community is hosting different events quite frequently. Game nights in which players can compete in mini games for prizes, giveaways on X, and special seasonal game events like the Christmas Event are some examples. Join the Discord server and follow the offical CyberVerse account on X to not miss any announcements.

NFT Collections

What is the benefit of owning a CyberCitizen?
  • Can level up/earn EXP
  • Daily rewards at the bank
  • Daily free spins with level 1+
  • Daily quests
  • Can loot lootboxes
  • Can consume up to 10 energy items per day
  • Earns more points in mini games
  • Can change their nickname
  • Has access to the Community Market
  • 12 instead of 6 offers from merchants (= can sell more items for CYPX)
Visit CyberCitizens - Free 2 Play to read about the differences between default and NFT character.
How many types of CyberCitizens are there?
Currently, there are seven types of CyberCitizens: Human, Monkey, Robot, Elf, Orc, Reptilian and Cyborg. Check out CyberCitizens for more information.
What's the difference between Gen 2 and Gen 3?
Generation 2 is the first collection of 2081 playable characters. Generation 3 is the second collection with 6000 additional characters. They mainly differ in traits. For more information check out CyberCitizens.
How to know the rarity?
The best way is to use the databases of this website. You can find databases for almost all CyberVerse collections under the "Database" tab in the navigation menu.
Do Citizens retain their level when traded?
Yes, a CyberCitizen's level remains unchanged and stays with the Citizen, regardless of its owner.
How can I earn passive income with my Citizen?
To earn passive income, visit the bank in Cyberia and speak with the banker. There, you can activate the "Accumulation" feature, allowing your Citizen to accumulate CYPX daily. Remember to claim your rewards before the 'halving events.' For more details, refer to the in-game explanation provided.
What's the benefit of owning an apartment?
For now, apartments can be used to decorate, build a mining rig to passively earn CYPX and build a furnance, which let's you mass melt ores. Check out: CyberiaEstate and CYPX Mining for more information.
What is the usage of yachts?
Yachts are a rare type of Apartments. Apart from being a boat insteaf of a building, they serve the same purpose.
What's the benefit of VIP Passes?
Check out VIP Membership Cards to see all benefits.
What's the purpose of pets?
CyberPets are one CyberVerse NFT collection which is not integrated yet. For now, it does not serve any purpose except collecting. In the future, a pet battle system is planned which will make use of these NFTs. Check out: CyberPets.
What's the purpose of cars in Cyberverse?
CyberCars are NFTs which can be used for the Racing Mini Gamein CyberVerse.

Gameplay Questions

Where is ...?
Visit CyberiaMaps. It shows you the location of all NPCs, buildings, apartments, mini games, bus stations and dumpsters. Check out the wiki section of this website if you find an article about what you are looking for. Alternatively, ask other players in Discord or the in-game chat.
What is the benefit of leveling up a Citizen?
1. The maximum bonus on merchants deals increases up to 170% at Level 5.
2. Level 1 enables Citizens to use the Daily Free Spin in the casino.
3. Higher skill levels give several bonuses on activities and mini games.
What to do when I am out of energy?
Every CyberCitizen and the default character has 100 Energy (electric_bolt), with 1 Energy recovering every 10 minutes. You can consume energy items to refill your energy. Energy items can be bought on the Community Market or being crafted from various materials. Owning more CyberCitizens increases your total energy to use on activities.
What to do when I am out of stamina?
Every CyberCitizen and the default character has 5 Stamina (electric_bolt). Stamina is reset back to 5 everyday at 8AM UTC (server reset time). You can also consume stamina items to refill your stamina. Stamina items can be bought on the Community Market or being traded with Santa for Candy Cane. Owning more CyberCitizens increases your total stamina to use on mini games.
How to do gardening?
Gardening is one of the activities in CyberVerse. You can read everything you need to know in the linked wiki page.
How to mine ore?
Ore Mining is one of the activities in CyberVerse. You can read everything you need to know in the linked wiki page.
How to mine CYPX?
CYPX Mining is one of the passive way to earn CYPX in CyberVerse. You can read everything you need to know in the linked wiki page.
How to fish?
Fishing is one of the activities in CyberVerse. You can read everything you need to know in the linked wiki page.
How to craft items?
Crafting is one of the activities in CyberVerse. You can read everything you need to know in the linked wiki page.
How to find items?
Exploring is one of the activities in CyberVerse. You can read everything you need to know in the linked wiki page. Additionally, items can be obtained by Gardening, Ore Mining, Fishing and Crafting.
How do I level up my CyberCitizen character?
You can level up your Citizen by playing Mini Games and doing Activities. Mini games usually grant more EXP than activities, so it is worth using all of the Citizen's stamina each day.
Why can I not level up my default character?
The default character's main purpose is that everone can test out the game for free, without the need to purchase NFTs. CyberVerse offers a variety of game mechanics and is not a pure "farm" or "play to earn" game. However, if you want to enjoy the full game experience, including leveling up your character, you would need to buy a CyberCitizen NFT. Visit CyberCitizens - Free 2 Play to read about the differences between default and NFT character.
How to visit apartments?
On CyberiaMaps you can check out all location of apartment buildings. Walk to the entrance of the building and press E, and select the apartment you want to visit. You can visit your own apartment and apartment of other players, if they are set to "public".
Where are the NPCs where you can trade items for CYPX?
All merchants location are marked (🔵) on CyberiaMaps. You can also sell items on the Community Market inside the Bank.
Where and how can I play Bartender mini game?
Visit the Club in Cyberia and talk to the Barman NPC. Learn everything about the mini game here: Bartender Mini Game.
Where and how can I play the DJ mini game?
Visit the Club in Cyberia and talk to the Hosky NPC in the back of the club. Learn everything about the mini game here: DJ Mini Game.
Where and how can I race?
Talk to the Racerman or approach any parking car in Cyberia. Learn everything about the mini game here: Racing Mini Game.
Where and how can I play Rocket Rush?
Talk to the Spaceman in Cyberia. Learn everything about the mini game here: Rocket Rush.
Where and how can I play Wolf and Sheep?
Talk to the Wolf in Cyberia. Learn everything about the mini game here: Rocket Rush.
Are there mulitplayer games in CyberVerse?
Yes! Two mini games so far are only playable in multiplayer mode: Rocket Rush and Rocket Rush. The Racing Mini Game can be played either in multiplayer or singleplayer mode.

Technical Support

What should I do if I encounter an error?
If you encounter an error, try refreshing or hard refreshing (CTRL+F5) the page, or join the Discord server and open a ticket.
How do I link my wallets?
In the game lobby, open the menu by clicking the ⚙️ (gear) icon or "MENU" while in-game. Then, navigate to "Settings," where you'll find options to link wallets on other chains besides the one you registered with.
Can I create an account with Ronin?
Yes, you can. Just open playcyberverse.com and login with your Ronin wallet.
How to unlink my wallets?
As of now, it is not possible to do it by yourself. Please join the Discord server and create a ticket.
How to delete my account?
Currently, it is not possible to detele your account. Please join the Discord server and create a ticket.
How to change my account/wallet name?
In the main menu, select the 'Change Nickname' option. Click on it to update your name for a fee of 500 CYPX.
How to change a CyberCitizens name?
In the game, click on the person symbol at the top left corner. It open the stats page of your selected CyberCitizen. On the top, you find a button to change your Citizens name for a fee of 250 CYPX.
Can I change my password?
Yes! In the main menu, select the 'Settings' option. On the left side in the settings you find the a button to change your password.
Which wallets can I use for Ergo and how to download it?
For Ergo, you can use the Nautilus Wallet. It can be downloaded here: For Chrome, and for for Firefox.
Which wallets can I use for Cardano and how to download it?
For Cardano, you can use the Nami and Eternl wallets. Click the links to visit their download pages.
Which wallets can I use for Ronin and how to download it?
You can use and download the Ronin Wallet here: https://wallet.roninchain.com/.


Can I have more than one account?
No, it is not allowed to have more than one account. Breaking this rule can result in a temporary suspension or permanent ban.
How to report inappropriate behavior?
You can report inappropriate behavior by joining the Discord server and creating a ticket.
Are there rules for naming my character?
Yes, character names must not contain offensive language and should follow community guidelines.