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Cyberia Estate

Apartments are private spaces located in buildings throughout the city (→ CyberiaMaps), belonging to the respective holders of the associated NFTs. These spaces can be personalized with furniture, mining rigs, and furnaces.

Since the February 2024 update, apartments can be set to two different modes: private and public. In private mode, apartments are invisible to other players, accessible only by the owner, and open for editing. In public mode, apartments are open to visitation by all players, but devices such as mining rigs or furnaces cannot be utilized.

Apartment Types


Currently, there are 12 buildings in the game, each containing a specific number of apartments.

Building # Name Location Number of Apartments
1 Hotel NiPoPoW NiPoPow Block 36
2 - Eden Plaza 20
3 Big Hotel Eden Plaza 24
4 Grand Hotel Sigma Prime 32
5 - Gunslinger Pass 22
6 - Gunslinger Pass 21
7 - Spruce Avenue -
8 - Ergo Proxy 13
9 - Ergo Proxy 8
10 Audio NFT Building Neon Pass 10
11 Audio NFT Building Neon Pass 9
12 Casino Neon Night St. 33


Currently, there are only three yachts in the game:

Building # Apartment # Name Location
13 164 The Yacht Neon Pass
14 189 The Cyberlykos Yacht Moonlight Lane
15 229 The Lovelace Neon Pass