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Ore Mining

Ore Mining is one of the activities in Cyberverse. It provides valuable resources for many Crafting recipes.


To access the cave, pay 15000 Coins to the Mining Man in the southwest of the harbor for a 24-hour pass (valid until the daily server reset). To exit, talk to the Mining Man inside the cave.


There are five distinct pickaxes that players can craft. Additionally, there are two types of jackhammers available. Other than pickaxes, Jackhammers do not break. Instead, they have to be recharged with Powercells (Cyberium Jackhammer: +100 charges, Ergonium Jackhammer: +80 charges).

Tools like pickaxes and jackhammers can be crafted by talking to Flameheart Fay in her workshop at the harbor or bought on the Community Market (pickaxes) and on NFTs market like Skyharbor (Jackhammers).


The success rate and duration of mining depend on the tool you're using. Generally, the rarer the mining tool, the better your chances of success and the shorter the time it takes. Each mining attempt uses up 2 Energy.

Image Item Name Wooden Pickaxe Stone Pickaxe Iron Pickaxe Golden Pickaxe Diamond Pickaxe Cyberium Jackhammer Ergonium Jackhammer
Chance Time Chance Time Chance Time Chance Time Chance Time Chance Time Chance Time
182 Coal 80% 0:09 100% 0:07 100% 0:06 100% 0:06 100% 0:04 100% 0:02 80% 0:02
91 Copper 50% 0:10 100% 0:09 100% 0:08 100% 0:08 100% 0:07 100% 0:03 80% 0:03
iron Iron 26% 0:11 50% 0:10 80% 0:09 100% 0:09 100% 0:06 100% 0:04 80% 0:04
silver Silver 0% - 40% 0:11 70% 0:10 90% 0:10 100% 0:09 100% 0:06 80% 0:05
goldore Gold 0% - 25% 0:12 60% 0:11 80% 0:11 100% 0:10 100% 0:06 100% 0:06
diamondore Diamond 0% - 0% - 50% 0:13 50% 0:13 80% 0:12 50% 0:08 100% 0:07
cyberiumore Cyberium 0% - 0% - 25% 0:15 25% 0:15 50% 0:14 70% 0:10 100% 0:08
ergonium Ergonium 0% - 0% - 0% - 0% - 25% 0:16 50% 0:12 80% 0:10

Minable Items

Items can be used for crafting or sold to the Mining Man, Sketchy Dealer or on the Community Market.

Current version: Update 250228