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Community Market

The Community Market is a market place for players to sell and buy in-game items, located in the Bank of Cyberia (→ CyberiaMaps). The sales tax is currently set to 5% (2.5% is burned and 2.5% goes to the treasury). The access to the Community market is depenend on the Credit Score.



Listed Items
The listed items tab shows all items which are up for sale, including total supply and price in CYPX. Players can select the amount they want to puchase.
Your Listed Items
In this section players can list up to three different items and set the amount and price per unit. After listing, the items appear in the Your Listed Items tab for the players themselves, and under the listed items tab for all other players. Items can be delisted again after one minute.
Under the request tabs players can see the buy requests other players set up. The offer includes the total number of the item for the total amount of CYPX. Requests cannot be partially filled.
Your Requests
Under this tab players can set up their own requests, if they are looking for a specific item to buy. CYPX are automatically taken from the in-game balance.
The collect tab enables players to collect the CYPX for their sold items or their requested items, if another player accepted the offer.