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Table of Content

1. Mechanics
2. Items

Farming is one of the many activties in Cyberverse.


Inside Spectrum Farms (→ CyberiaMaps), players can rent up to 16 plots for 50 CYPX per plot per day (until server reset). Each plot has space (slots) for 8 seeds to be planted, and each planting costs 2 energy.

Seeds can be purchased from the Farmer or found during Exploring.

Each seed has a base chance of 85% to ripen and 15% to spoil. This base chance decreases by 5% if the same seed is planted in the same plot more than once (which slot is irrelevant). The base chance can be increased by improving the farming skill level and by watering the plants (+20%). Water is free and can be obtained at the water containers in the middle of the greenhouse, and it can be activated in the planting interface. However, planting with water activated increases the energy consumed by 1.

After a certain amount of time (refer to the tables), the crops will be ready to harvest. The player will either get the crop or spoiled plants (sellable for 1 CYPX), and occasionally some dirt, which can be used to craft clay and bricks.

The success chance recovers to its base value by 1% every 10 minutes.

Crops can be sold to the Farmer or the Sketchy Dealer, listed on the Community Market or used to craft consumable items and furniture.

The purchase offers from the Farmer NPCs can vary between 80% and 170% of the base price, and are dependend on the highest level CyberCitizen the player owns.

Type Seed Cost Base Price Farmer Price Sketchy Dealer Price Duration (min)
Wheat 3 7 5.6 - 11.9 5 30
Carrot 3 7 5.6 - 11.9 5 30
Pumpkin 3 7 5.6 - 11.9 5 30
Strawberry 4 10 8.0 - 17.0 7 40
Raspberry 4 10 8.0 - 17.0 7 40
Blueberry 4 10 8.0 - 17.0 7 40
Grape 8 17 13.6 - 28.9 12 60
Type Seed Cost Base Price Farmer Price Sketchy Dealer Price Duration (min)
All Flower 2 5 4.0 - 8.5 4 26
Type Seed Cost Base Sales Value Farmer Price Sketchy Dealer Price Duration (min)
Small Tree 2 7 5.6 - 11.9 5 32