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CYPX (Cyberpixels) is the in-game currency of Cyberverse and a token on the Ergo blockchain.

Game Economics

Ways to earn CYPX

With several in-game activities and jobs (mini games), Cyberverse offers plenty of ways to earn CYPX.

Game/Activity Where? How?
Barman Mini Game Club Rewards for playing and top 3
DJ Mini Game Club Rewards for playing and top 3
Racing Mini Game Cyberia Rewards for playing and top 3
Wolf and Sheeps Mini Game Wolf NPC Rewards for playing and top 3
Fishing Cyberia Selling fish
Exploring Cyberia Selling items
Ore Mining Cave Islands Selling ores
CYPX Mining Apartments Collecting mined CYPX
Gardening Spectrum Farms Selling crops
Gambling Casino Winning CYPX
Daily Free Spins Casino Winning CYPX
Daily VIP Spins Casino Winning CYPX
Daily Rewards Bank Collecting rewards
Selling items on the Community Market Community Market Listing items to sell
Ways to spend CYPX

Players can spend their hard-earned CYPX for several items, NFTs and services:

Service/Item/Activity Where? Costs (CXPX)
Furniture Crate Furniture Vendor NPC 300 per crate
Renting Car for Racing Mini Game Racing Mini Game NPC 100 per day
Changing Wallet Nickname Character Menu 500 per wallet address
Changing Citizen Nickname Main Menu 250 per citizen
Access to Cave Island Cave Islands 150 per day
Renting Plot (Gardening) Spectrum Farms 50 per plot per day
CyberCar Crate Item Shop 15000 (sold out) per NFT
Cyberverse I. Emote Crate Item Shop 600 per NFT
CyberEgg Relics Crate Item Shop 30000 (sold out) per NFT
Phantom Resistance Album Crate Item Shop 600 per NFT
Mining rig electricity bill Apartments 1 per 100 electricity units
Weekly Lottery Casino 500 per lottery ticket
Crypto Spin (Coin Flip) Casino varies -
Cyber Slots Casino varies -
Seeds for Gardening Spectrum Farms varies -
Buying items on the Community Market Community Market varies -


Token ID: 01dce8a5632d19799950ff90bca3b5d0ca3ebfa8aaafd06f0cc6dd1e97150e7f (Check on Ergexplorer.com)

Original Supply: 570,000,000

Token burned: 140,462,148 (On-chain proof)

Soon to be burned: 31,400,000

Total supply (currently): 429,537,852

Total supply (after burn): 398,137,852

Allocation CYPX Percentage
IDO 48,037,852 12.1%
Liquidity 3,200,000 0.8%
DAO 15,750,000 4%
Marketing 30,250,000 7.6%
Liquidity Farm 60,750,000 15.3%
In-game 205,000,000 51.5%
Advisors 950,000 0.2%
Team 34,200,000 8.6%