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Welcome to the Cyberverse Wiki!

Welcome, future and current CyberCitizens! This website is dedicated entirely to CyberVerse, an indie blockchain game currently available on Ergo, Cardano and Ronin. At the heart of this site is the wiki, a comprehensive repository of knowledge about the game. Initially started on Fandom, I, the founder of the CyberVerse Wiki and self-proclaimed Minister of Education of Cyberia, created this site to gain more control over the content and layout, thereby enhancing the experience without the distraction of too many ads.

The website has undergone significant upgrades since its launch, introducing new features like CyberiaMaps, the Wallet Viewer, the CYPX Richlist, a full game upload log, and comprehensive databases for nearly all Cyberverse-related NFT collections. As the game and its community continue to grow, so too will this website.

If you find this website helpful, any contribution you feel is appropriate would be greatly appreciated and helps to keep this project running.

Happy dumpster diving,


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