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Panther Cybercitizen
A Panther NFT (GEN4)


Panther are one of the types of CyberCitizen and are featured exclusively in GEN4.


Panthers are one of the latest outcomes of advanced genetic manipulation. Designed to enhance both strength and speed, some citizens underwent treatments that fused their DNA with that of the powerful big cat, the panther. As a result, these individuals now exhibit a striking appearance that blends human features with the sleek and imposing traits of a panther, creating a unique humanoid-panther hybrid.

Rare but immensely popular CyberCitizens, panthers are admired for their unparalleled combination of raw strength and undeniable cuteness, making them a standout presence in any community.


Panthers are one of the rarer types in the game with a supply of only 78 and come in four different fur colors.

Color Supply
Brown 30
Black 25
Pink 16
White 7


The base model without traits, only featuring variations in skin tone and basic clothes.