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CyberVerse Skins

Table of Content

1. Rarity
2. Collections

CyberVerse Skins are an NFT collection used as cosmetics for the free2play default character within the CyberVerse game. They offer no benefits beyond a visual upgrade.


CyberVerse Skins come in four different rarities: Common, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. The rarer the skin, the smaller the supply.

Rarity Supply
Common 1000
Rare 600
Epic 300
Legendary 100



Degenimals were the first skins purchasable in the ingame item shop. They NFTs were minted on the Ergo blockchain.

Degen Bober

Degen Panda

Degen Pink Bear

The following skins unlock if the player posseses at least one NFT of the following projects in their Cardano Wallet.


House of Titan