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Wallet Viewer

  • You can enter up to 5 addresses at a time.
  • You can show or hide collections.
  • The numbers in brackets next to the collections indicate the quantity of NFTs in that wallet.
  • You can search for all NFT numbers and names.
  • You can also search for all traits (type and value) of GEN3 CyberCitizens or select from the suggestion box:
  • Try searching for "type", "skin tone", "rarity" (trait types) or "orc", "brown" or "street runner" (trait values).
  • If you search for a trait type, it will conviently display you how many NFTs with each trait value you own.
  • The number in parentheses after each trait in the suggestion box represents the number of NFTs with that trait in your wallet.
  • You can open each NFT tile for more information.
  • CyberCitizens GEN2 and CyberPets display every trait.
  • CyberCitizens GEN3 display the traits Rarity, Type, Gender, and any Robotic Parts they have.
  • Apartment NFTs contain a link to CyberiaMaps showing their location.
  • CyberCars display manufacturer and model name, supply and in-game stats.