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CyberVerse Emotes

Cyberverse Emotes are a collection of fungible tokens with limited supply, representing different emotes players can use in-game. They were introduced with the ADA Mint Event and first implemented in the February 2024 update.

So far four collections with different themes have been released: Cardano, Cyberverse I., Comet Mooning and Bober. During the X-Mas Event 2024 some emotes are usable for all players for the first time.

Pressing the B key triggers the opening of the emote interface. With a simple click, players can select and send an emote, which is then displayed over their character's head.

Cardano Collection

The emotes of this collection are rewarded to people minting GEN3 citizens with ADA.

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cardano Cardano Emote 390 Uncommon
cardanzo Cardanzo Emote 353 Uncommon
classicada Classic ADA Logo Emote 460 Common
silverada Silver ADA Logo Emote 334 Rare
goldenada Golden ADA Logo Emote 194 Epic
platinumada Platinum ADA Logo Emote 33 Legendary
classiccardano Classic Cardano Logo Emote 465 Common
silvercardano Silver Cardano Logo Emote 321 Rare
goldencardano Golden Cardano Logo Emote 185 Epic
platinumcardano Platinum Cardano Logo Emote 65 Legendary

CyberVerse I. Collection

Crates containing emotes of this collection can be bought in the in-game item shop for 1500 CYPX.

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51 3 Moon Emote 10 Epic
52 Banned Emote 9 Epic
54 Bear Emote 9 Epic
53 Bull Emote 9 Epic
55 Brain Emote 8 Epic
56 Ergonaut Emote 8 Epic
57 Poop Emote 8 Epic
58 Sun Emote 8 Epic
59 Rainbow Emote 7 Epic
66 Crown Emote 3 Legendary
62 Devil Emote 5 Legendary
63 Halo Emote 5 Legendary
60 Robotic Bear Emote 6 Legendary
61 Robotic Bull Emote 6 Legendary
64 Sparkles Emote 5 Legendary
65 Whale Emote 5 Legendary
43 2 Moon Emote 14 Rare
45 Broken Heart Emote 13 Rare
40 Cheers Emote 14 Rare
49 Clown Emote 12 Rare
41 Ergo Logo Emote 14 Rare
46 Fire Emote 13 Rare
44 OK Emote 13 Rare
50 Rocket Emote 11 Rare
47 Skull Emote 12 Rare
42 Surprise Emote 14 Rare
48 Take the L Emote 12 Rare
5 ! Emote 26 Common
20 What Emote 22 Common
1 1 Moon Emote 26 Common
2 Cool Glasses Emote 26 Common
ellipsisemote Ellipsis Emote 20 Common
3 Ergo Emote 26 Common
4 F Emote 26 Common
6 Fist Emote 25 Common
7 Folded Hands Emote 25 Common
8 FOMO Emote 25 Common
9 GG Emote 25 Common
10 Haha Emote 25 Common
11 Hi! Emote 25 Common
12 Hype Emote 24 Common
13 LFG Emote 24 Common
14 LOL Emote 24 Common
15 Lucky You! Emote 23 Common
16 Pleading Emote 23 Common
17 RIP Emote 23 Common
18 Swear Emote 22 Common
19 Victory Hand Emote 22 Common
21 Zzz... Emote 21 Common
34 Angry Emote 17 Uncommon
22 Bearish! Emote 20 Uncommon
23 Bullish! Emote 20 Uncommon
24 Crying Emote 20 Uncommon
25 Dislike Emote 20 Uncommon
27 Error Emote 19 Uncommon
28 Heart Emote 19 Uncommon
32 Laughing Emote 18 Uncommon
26 Like Emote 19 Uncommon
30 Neutral Emote 18 Uncommon
31 Rain Emote 18 Uncommon
38 Robot with Heart Eyes Emote 16 Uncommon
32 Shocked Emote 18 Uncommon
33 Shy Emote 18 Uncommon
35 Smart Emote 17 Uncommon
36 Smirking Emote 17 Uncommon
37 Vomit Emote 16 Uncommon
39 Warning Emote 15 Uncommon

Comet Collection

Crates containing emotes of this collection can be bought in the in-game item shop for 1.69 ERG. Comet is one of the early meme tokens on Ergo. It was the first collaboration of Cyberverse with another project on Ergo.

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Confounded Face Emote Confounded Face Emote Common 13
Face with Open Mouth Emote Face with Open Mouth Emote Common 13
Face with Raised Eyebrow Emote Face with Raised Eyebrow Emote Common 13
full bowl Emote full bowl Emote Common 13
Grimacing Face Emote Grimacing Face Emote Common 12
Grinning Face with Sweat Emote Grinning Face with Sweat Emote Common 12
Loudly Crying Face Emote Loudly Crying Face Emote Common 12
Relieved Face Emote Relieved Face Emote Common 12
Sleeping Face Emote Sleeping Face Emote Common 12
Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Smiling Eyes Emote Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Smiling Eyes Emote Common 11
Smiling Face with Smiling Eyes Emote Smiling Face with Smiling Eyes Emote Common 11
Smiling Face with Sunglasses Emote Smiling Face with Sunglasses Emote Common 11
Smirking Face Emote Smirking Face Emote Common 11
Sneezing Face Emote Sneezing Face Emote Common 10
Squinting Face with Tongue Emote Squinting Face with Tongue Emote Common 10
Upside-Down Face Emote Upside-Down Face Emote Common 10
Woozy Face Emote Woozy Face Emote Common 10
Zipper-Mouth Face Emote Zipper-Mouth Face Emote Common 10
Astonished Face Emote Astonished Face Emote Uncommon 7
Drooling Face Emote Drooling Face Emote Uncommon 6
Exploding Head Emote Exploding Head Emote Uncommon 7
Face with Head-Bandage Emote Face with Head-Bandage Emote Uncommon 7
Face with Medical Mask Emote Face with Medical Mask Emote Uncommon 6
Face with Rolling Eyes Emote Face with Rolling Eyes Emote Uncommon 6
Face with Steam From Nose Emote Face with Steam From Nose Emote Uncommon 6
Face with Tears of Joy Emote Face with Tears of Joy Emote Uncommon 6
Face with Thermometer Emote Face with Thermometer Emote Uncommon 6
Face with Tongue Emote Face with Tongue Emote Uncommon 6
Nerd Face Emote Nerd Face Emote Uncommon 6
Pensive Face Emote Pensive Face Emote Uncommon 6
Persevering Face Emote Persevering Face Emote Uncommon 6
Pleading Face Emote Pleading Face Emote Uncommon 6
Smiling Face with Open Mouth Emote Smiling Face with Open Mouth Emote Uncommon 6
Winking Face with Tongue Emote Winking Face with Tongue Emote Uncommon 6
Zany Face Emote Zany Face Emote Uncommon 6
bone Emote bone Emote Rare 5
Dizzy Face Emote Dizzy Face Emote Rare 5
Face with Monocle Emote Face with Monocle Emote Rare 5
Hugging Face Emote Hugging Face Emote Rare 5
Money-Mouth Face Emote Money-Mouth Face Emote Rare 4
Partying Face Emote Partying Face Emote Rare 5
paw Emote paw Emote Rare 5
Robot Emote Robot Emote Rare 4
Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Closed Eyes Emote Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Closed Eyes Emote Rare 5
Star-Struck Emote Star-Struck Emote Rare 5
Thinking Face Emote Thinking Face Emote Rare 5
Cowboy Hat Face Emote Cowboy Hat Face Emote Epic 3
empty bowl Emote empty bowl Emote Epic 3
Face Savoring Food Emote Face Savoring Food Emote Epic 4
Jack-O-Lantern Emote Jack-O-Lantern Emote Epic 3
Nauseated Face Emote Nauseated Face Emote Epic 3
Rolling on the Floor Laughing Emote Rolling on the Floor Laughing Emote Epic 3
Sleepy Face Emote Sleepy Face Emote Epic 3
Smiling Face with Hearts Emote Smiling Face with Hearts Emote Epic 3
Smiling Face with Horns Emote Smiling Face with Horns Emote Epic 3
Angry Face with Horns Emote Angry Face with Horns Emote Legendary 3
Clown Face Emote Clown Face Emote Legendary 2
collar Emote collar Emote Legendary 3
Smiling Face with Halo Emote Smiling Face with Halo Emote Legendary 3
Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes Emote Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes Emote Legendary 2
tongue Emote tongue Emote Legendary 2

Bober Collection

The Bober collection was released Dec 14, 2024 and could be minted for 1000 CYPX. Bober is a meme token on Ergo. After Comet, it is the second collaboration of this kind. The total supply is 1268 emote NFTs on Ergo, of which 440 could be obtained via crates from the ingame shop. The rest is reserved for give aways and other marketing purposes.

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Angry Face with Horns Angry Face with Horns 36 Rare
Bober Tail Bober Tail 35 Legendary
Bober Teeth Bober Teeth 36 Epic
Chewed Log Chewed Log 35 Legendary
Dead Face Dead Face 37 Uncommon
Drooling Face Drooling Face 37 Uncommon
Exploding Head Exploding Head 37 Uncommon
Face with Head-Bandage Face with Head-Bandage 36 Rare
Face with Open Mouth Face with Open Mouth 37 Uncommon
Face with Rolling Eyes Face with Rolling Eyes 39 Common
Face with Tears of Joy Face with Tears of Joy 39 Common
Face with Tongue Face with Tongue 39 Common
Hugging Face Hugging Face 37 Uncommon
Grinning Face with Sweat Grinning Face with Sweat 36 Rare
Loudly Crying Face Loudly Crying Face 39 Common
Money-Mouth Face Money-Mouth Face 39 Common
Partying Face Partying Face 36 Rare
Pleading Face Pleading Face 39 Common
Rolling on the Floor Laughing Rolling on the Floor Laughing 37 Uncommon
Shocked Face Shocked Face 36 Epic
Sleeping Face Sleeping Face 39 Common
Smiling Face with Halo Smiling Face with Halo 36 Rare
Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes 37 Uncommon
Smiling Face with Hearts Smiling Face with Hearts 39 Common
Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Closed Eyes Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Closed Eyes 39 Common
Smiling Face with Open Mouth Smiling Face with Open Mouth 39 Common
Smiling Face with Smiling Eyes Smiling Face with Smiling Eyes 39 Common
Smiling Face with Sunglasses Smiling Face with Sunglasses 37 Uncommon
Smirking Face Smirking Face 36 Epic
Thinking Face Thinking Face 37 Uncommon
Unamused Face Unamused Face 36 Rare
Upside-Down Face Upside-Down Face 39 Common
Weary Face Weary Face 36 Epic
Winking Face with Tongue Winking Face with Tongue 37 Uncommon

Christmas Collection

The emotes of this collection are not NFTs and accessible to all players during the X-Mas Event 2024.

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emote1 Candy Cane Emote - -
emote2 Snowman Emote - -
emote3 Gift Emote - -
emote4 Christmas Tree Emote - -
emote5 Santa Hat Emote - -