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NFT #4954
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NFT #4954

NFT 4954 is a playable character in CyberVerse. He is a Generation 3 CyberCitizen.


It's April 2024, and a Quantum Hacker called xBuklessx is looming on the streets of Cyberia. This intrepid Hacker brought with him the ability to fulfill his dream within Cyberia, but he still did not realize what that dream was.

The first night, after rummaging through some garbage cans, he realized that he had the tools to make a fishing rod. The rod was precarious, but it allowed him to get the fish necessary for his first creation. He drank a small Oceanic Smoothie and spent the first night in the port containers.

The next day, he realized that they were leaving seeds everywhere in the garbage cans. He took those small seeds and began to generate crops that a Farmer in the city promised him some Cypx in exchange for tilling the land. There he learned the art of farming, but even so, he was not completely satisfied.

One night, after having run some races with an Apex Dominator that they had lent him and looking victorious, he decided to go celebrate at the bar. After a few drinks, without any knowledge of it, he put together Cyberia's first KARAOKE. All the people on the dance floor, singing and jumping, as if nothing was missing that night, brought a small light of consciousness to him that showed him where his dream would begin to be built.

The next day, xBuklessx, our beloved Quantum Hacker, decided to go to the bar looking for work since they had told him that a waiter was needed, and that the pay was good. With that fixed idea, upon arriving at the bar, our dear Hacker was surprised to learn that the owner of the bar wanted to hire him every Friday to host a Karaoke event right there. Without understanding anything, our Hacker armed himself with his piano and his loopera and began to put together the Karaoke tracks. By the time the bar owner saw this, he shared his desire for him to work as the bar's DJ.

Little by little, our beloved Quantum Hacker became more aware of what his dream was. It seemed very clear at this moment, and there he began to work to fulfill this great goal that appeared to him in the form of an epiphany: to become one of the greatest DJs in Cyberia.

This story will continue...

This user-created content was provided by xBuklessx.

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